Thursday, February 18, 2021


Author & reviewer tutorials 

Welcome to the Springer Author & Reviewer tutorials, a guide from Springer on writing and publishing a scientific manuscript. 

Every time you write an article, there are usually many factors motivating you to get it published. Graduation, perhaps? A new job? Career advancement? In our opinion, the most important reason why anyone becomes a scientist is to help people understand more about the nature of the universe. 

Scientists publish their works to support or justify their findings, which in turn helps people better understand the universe. Therefore, by publishing your work, you are directly benefiting both the scientific community and the world around you. 

We know researchers have myriad ideas in their head but often don’t know how to put them down in words. In order to support you and make the road to publication a bit smoother, the Author tutorials offer advice and information on: 

How to write a manuscript 

Submission procedures and publication ethics 

Peer review and what it means to an author 

Open access publishing 

Publishing in English

Consider using a professional language editing service where editors will improve the English to ensure that your meaning is clear and identify problems that require your review. Two such services are provided by our affiliates Nature Research Editing Service and American Journal Experts - Springer authors are entitled to a 10% discount on their first submission to either of these services. Claim 10% off English editing from Nature Research Editing Service or claim 10% off American Journal Experts. 

Before publishing your article, you can complete the interactive tutorials we offer by clicking on the links below. 

Writing a journal manuscript (

Submitting a journal manuscript and peer review (

Writing in English (

How to peer review (

Open Access (

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